Common Probate Problems: What Probate Attorneys Handle

Probate is the legal process that occurs after someone passes away, involving the distribution of their assets and the resolution of any outstanding debts. While it may seem straightforward, the probate process can be complex and fraught with challenges. That’s where a probate attorney comes in.

These legal professionals specialize in navigating the intricacies of probate to ensure that everything is handled according to the law and the wishes of the deceased.

At Patton Law Group, we understand the common problems that arise during probate and are here to help you navigate them. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common probate problems and how a probate attorney can assist in resolving them.

Disputes Among Heirs and Beneficiaries

One of the most frequent probate disputes involves disagreements among heirs and beneficiaries. These disputes can arise for various reasons, such as unclear wording in a will, perceived favoritism, or disagreements over the distribution of assets.

When emotions are high, these conflicts can quickly escalate, leading to costly and time-consuming legal battles.

A probate attorney can help mediate these disputes, ensuring that the decedent’s wishes are honored while also striving to maintain family harmony. If necessary, the attorney can represent your interests in court to protect your inheritance rights.  

Challenges to the Validity of the Will

Another common probate problem is when the validity of a will is challenged. This can happen for several reasons, including allegations that the will was forged, that the decedent lacked the mental capacity to create the will, or that the will was executed under duress or undue influence.

Challenging a will is a serious matter and can significantly delay the probate process. A probate attorney will investigate the claims, gather evidence, and present a strong case in court, whether you are challenging the will or defending it against a challenge.    

Delays in the Probate Process

Probate can be a lengthy process, but unnecessary delays can exacerbate the situation. Delays may occur due to incomplete or incorrect documentation, disputes among beneficiaries, or challenges to the will. Additionally, if the estate includes complex assets like businesses, real estate, or investments, the process can become even more complicated.

A probate attorney helps streamline the process by ensuring that all necessary documents are filed correctly and on time. They can also work to resolve any disputes efficiently, keeping the probate process moving forward as smoothly as possible.

Handling Creditor Claims

During probate, creditors of the deceased have the right to file claims against the estate for any outstanding debts. Managing these claims can be one of the more challenging aspects of probate, especially if the estate’s assets are limited.

A probate attorney can assist in reviewing and validating creditor claims, ensuring that only legitimate debts are paid. They can also help negotiate with creditors to settle debts for less than the full amount owed, protecting the estate’s assets for the beneficiaries.

Problems with Executors and Administrators

The executor or administrator of an estate has a fiduciary duty to manage the estate in the best interests of the beneficiaries. However, issues can arise if the executor is inexperienced, uncooperative, or suspected of misconduct. This can lead to mistrust, delays, and even legal action to remove the executor.

If you’re dealing with problems related to an executor or administrator, a probate attorney can help. They can guide the executor to ensure they fulfill their duties properly or represent you in court if there’s a need to challenge the executor’s actions.    

Locating and Valuing Assets

In some cases, locating and valuing the deceased’s assets can be a significant challenge, particularly if the estate includes hidden or difficult-to-value assets like family businesses, collectibles, or foreign investments.      

A probate attorney can assist in tracking down all of the estate’s assets and working with appraisers and financial experts to determine their value. This ensures that the assets are accurately reported and distributed according to the will or state law.

Tax Issues

Estates may be subject to various taxes, including estate taxes, inheritance taxes, and income taxes. Navigating these tax obligations can be complicated, particularly for larger estates.

A probate attorney can help ensure that all tax filings are completed correctly and on time, minimizing the estate’s tax burden. They can also provide advice on strategies to reduce or defer taxes, preserving more of the estate for the beneficiaries.

Intestate Succession

If a person dies without a valid will, their estate is considered “intestate,” meaning that state laws will dictate how the assets are distributed. This can lead to confusion and disputes among heirs, especially in blended families or when there are no immediate relatives.   

A probate attorney can guide you through the intestate succession process, helping to ensure that the estate is distributed fairly and according to state law. They can also assist in locating heirs who may not be immediately known or accessible.   


Navigating the probate process can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with complex issues or disputes. A probate attorney is an invaluable resource in resolving common probate problems and ensuring that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

At Patton Law Group, our experienced attorneys are here to help you through every step of the probate process, from managing creditor claims to resolving disputes and everything in between.   

If you’re facing challenges with probate or need assistance with probate disputes, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to provide the legal guidance you need to protect your rights and honor your loved one’s wishes. Visit Patton Law Group to learn more about our probate services or to schedule a consultation.

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