Advance Directives

Roseville Advance Directives Lawyer
Plan Your Medical Wishes
Before It's Too Late
There are many reasons at any stage of life where we may suddenly become incapacitated and unable to direct the course of our own healthcare. These situations may arise from falling into a coma, experiencing a traumatic brain injury, having a stroke that impairs communication, or mental conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease that impair a person’s ability to make informed decisions.
Being prepared for these unfortunate situations with an advance directive can grant your loved ones peace and clarity during a difficult time. Patton Law Group’s advance directive attorneys in Roseville can help you plan your estate and establish your medical wishes in a living will or designate a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care to carry out your wishes and make decisions for scenarios you couldn’t predict.

What is Included in an
Advance Directive?
Medical care choices such as the following can be predetermined by an advance directive:
• Will resuscitation be used if your heart stops beating?
• Will a ventilator be used to help you breathe?
• Will medical devices be used to help you eat if you lose the ability to swallow?
• If you have a terminal condition, will antibiotics or other drugs be used to prolong your life?
• Will you be an organ donor upon your death?
• When should pain management and quality-of-life care supersede life-saving care?

Types of
Advanced Directives
There are two main types of advance directives: a living will and a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. A living will is a written, legal document that states your preferences in regard to your medical treatment in circumstances where you are no longer able to express consent.
A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or Medical Power of Attorney is a legal document in which you must name a person (also known as a proxy or agent) who will make your healthcare decisions in the event that you become unable to do so. They can communicate with your healthcare team or caregivers on your behalf to make decisions. If your wishes on a specific situation are not known, the proxy can decide based on what they think you would want.
Contact Us
Contact a Roseville Advance Directive Attorney Today
With no advance directive for your healthcare in place, your loved ones may be left guessing about how you would want your medical care to be carried out or make decisions based upon their beliefs or opinions that may differ from yours. Establishing your advance directive through Patton Law Group can help relieve the stress of not knowing what to do when they’re already experiencing fear, stress, and grief. You can help your loved ones make important medical decisions when you cannot. Do not hesitate to reach out to us today for a free initial evaluation.